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CISO Talks

Demystifying PTaaS: How Penetration Testing as a Service Strengthens Your Security Posture

If you missed the live session, don’t worry! You can watch the full webinar here and gain deeper insights into how PTaaS can transform your security strategy.

Below, we’ve compiled key insights from our expert speakers, Matthew Biby, the CISO of Satcom Direct, and Venu Rao, the CEO and Co-founder of Strobes Security. This session was packed with invaluable information for organizations looking to enhance their security measures through PTaaS.

Venu: “PTaaS, or Penetration Testing as a Service, is a SaaS-based platform that streamlines the traditional pen testing process. Unlike traditional methods that are labor-intensive and time-consuming, PTaaS automates many steps, offering on-demand testing, real-time collaboration, and continuous monitoring. This efficiency reduces costs and ensures timely compliance.”
Venu: “The threat landscape is dynamic, and traditional pen testing methods can’t keep up with the speed and complexity of modern cyber threats. PTaaS allows for more frequent, scalable, and flexible testing, which is essential for maintaining a robust security posture.”
Matthew: “PTaaS addresses many pain points by automating processes, reducing manual effort, and offering real-time collaboration. This is incredibly valuable given limited budgets, resources, and time. Additionally, PTaaS helps organizations meet compliance requirements more efficiently and improves overall security posture.”

Venu: “PTaaS platforms support on-demand testing, integrate with asset management tools, and allow for continuous threat exposure management. Clients have reported over 30% reduction in operational time, which translates to significant cost savings.”

  • Scalability: Allows companies to test a large number of assets on a recurring basis.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Reduces the time and resources needed for pen testing.
  • Improved code quality: Helps identify and fix vulnerabilities early in the development process.

Real-time collaboration: Enables better communication between security teams and developers.

Venu: “PTaaS platforms provide detailed reports and continuous monitoring, making it easier to meet compliance requirements. The documentation and real-time data support audits and ensure that organizations can demonstrate their security measures effectively.”
Venu: “One of our clients was able to achieve their compliance goals much faster by using PTaaS. The platform allowed them to schedule tests throughout the year, ensuring ongoing compliance and security. Real-time collaboration with developers ensured that vulnerabilities were addressed promptly, and revalidation verified these fixes efficiently.”

“By reducing operational time by over 30%, PTaaS offers substantial cost savings.”

Venu RaoCEO
Venu: “.The ability to perform more frequent testing without incurring the high costs associated with traditional pen testing makes PTaaS a cost-effective solution for maintaining security and compliance.”

“PTaaS fits this bill perfectly, and I believe its adoption will grow as more organizations recognize its benefits in terms of cost savings, efficiency, and improved security posture.”

Mathew BibyCISO, Satcom Direct
Mathew: “Any tool that minimizes investment and maximizes efficiency will get the attention of security leaders.”
Matthew: “It’s essential to have a balanced approach to security, investing in both defensive and offensive measures. PTaaS can significantly enhance your offensive security capabilities, providing valuable insights and improving your overall security posture. Start by understanding your attack surface and gaps, and leverage PTaaS for continuous improvement.”

For more information on PTaaS and how it can benefit your organization, feel free to contact us or explore our PTaaS solutions page.

Strengthen your security posture with the power of PTaaS today!

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